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ALVTechnologies Philippines Incorporated supported the 38th Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas (SPP) Online Conference last October 19-23, 2020 via Zoom meeting. 

Our company together with our manufacturers from Horiba Scientific and Oxford Instruments Asylum Research were a co-presenter on the event. Dr. Michelle N. Sestak, applications scientist of Horiba Scientific , talked about “An Introduction to the MacroRAM Macro-Raman System” to give focus on the use of Raman for educational research. On the other hand, to give attention on the application of AFM as a materials characterization, Dr. David Beck, VP Business Development of Oxford Instruments Asylum Research Inc. gave his talk about “Reinventing AFM Imaging with blueDrive Tapping Mode


ALVTechnologies Philippines Incorporated would like to thank you for attending Dr. Sestak’s and Dr. Beck’s talk. We would also like to thank the Samahang Pisika ng Pilipinas for giving us the opportunity to be speakers for the said event.