SPR Seminar with Janusz Sadowski
ALVTechnologies’ MP-SPR Seminar with Janusz Sadowski from BioNavis last July 18! |
ALVTechnologies along with the UP Institute of Chemistry and BioNavis has put together a FREE Seminar on Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) last July 18, 2012 at the Inst. of Chemistry’s Teaching building at the UP National Science Complex, UP Diliman.
The lecture was presented by the main driver of the SPR technique and Vice President of R&D for BioNavis, Dr. Janusz Sadowski. Professors, Doctors, and Researchers came to witness the ability of SPR and how much it could help them in Materials Sciences, Life Sciences, and Sensor Development.
After lunch and some snacks, our attendees were able to participate in our focus group discussions and had the opportunity for some hands on experience with the instrument, an SPR Navi 200.
 The team at ALVTechnologies and Janusz Sadowski from BioNavis would like to extend a warm Thank You to everyone who participated. We hope you this seminar sparked some interest for you regarding Surface Plasmon Resonance and we Hope to see you all during our next seminar!
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