The DRM-3000 Monitor is the latest innovative instrument designed to provide the best possible user experience in Area Monitoring today. The DRM-3000 supports three external detectors and one internal detector, with automatic identification from a wide range of external detectors up to 100 meters distant to the Monitor

DRM-1 Monitor

DRM-1D Monitor

AMP-50 Meter
The AMP-50 is a GM tube-based low range Area Monitor. It has been designed specifically to be used in low dose rate fields using a very sensitive, waterproof GM tube.

AMP-100 Meter
The AMP-100 Area Monitor Probe is a GM tube based rate meter. It is a state-of-the-art microprocessor-based instrument, designed for highly stable and accurate measurements of dose rate and integrated dose rate gamma radiation. The AMP-100’s detector features a linear response from 50 µSv/h to 10 Sv/h (5 mR/h to 1000 R/h).

AMP-200 Meter
The AMP-200, or Area Monitor Probe, is a GM tube-based, waterproof rate meter. The AMP-200’s detector features linear response from 10 mSv/h to 150 Sv/h (1 R/h to 15,000 R/h).