BioNavis Ltd – MP-SPR Navi™ 210A VASA

MP-SPR Navi™ 210A VASA
6-sample automation not only for material characterization!
Wider inner diameter of the flow-cell tubings and 6-sample automation makes MP-SPR NaviTM 210A VASA ideal for material characterization and nanoparticle research.
Features and benefits:
- Automated liquid handling of up to 6- different samples for unattended runs
- Software switch for serial and parallel injections
- Partial loop injections enabling minimized sample consumption
- 4 simultaneous measurements in 2 fluidic channels, two independent wavelength measurements from the same spot, enabling detection of thickness and refractive index or conformation changes
- Exceptionally wide angular range 40˚ – 78˚ enables measurement of small organic molecules, and large proteins, but also metallic nanoparticles and cells. One scan encompasses both environments: gas and liquid and enables in line bulk effect separation providing PureKineticsTM.
- Controlled buffer flow conditions with precise syringe pumps and integrated degasser
- Software package for convenient control of the instrument and easy analysis of the results. 210A comes with MP-SPR Navi™ LayerSolver to determine thickness and RI from multiple wavelength measurements. TraceDrawer™ – a powerful software for determination of affinity and kinetic constants is optional.
- MP-SPR Navi™ instruments utilize optical RI matching elastomer and therefore, sensors are very easy to exchange and also to further analyze with other methods such as AFM or microscopy.
- Open design enables convenient access to the easily removable flow cell, as well as to tubing, pump and injection valve.
- Complement with electrochemistry, high chemical resistant and gas flow cells as well as fluorescence setup provides combined or validation measurements.