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NaI Systems

StandFAST II : Stand-Up Whole-Body Counter 

StandFAST II is a stand up whole body counter system for rapid screening of personnel to identify and quantify fission and activation product radionuclides within the body. It represents a significant innovation in fast screening, whole body counters.

  • Hexagonal walk through shield design optimizes placement in either corners or open space and provides efficient throughput of subjects.
  • Computer optimized shielding provides maximum interior space to achieve improved detection limits while minimizing system weight.
  • Windows based system software, with integral subject database facility, easily interfaces to other computer systems as needed.
  • Subject prompting and interleaving allow for maximum throughput during periods of high demand such as reactor outages.
  • 150 Bq (4 nCi) 60Co LLD with individual in scanner.
  • Quality Assurance function guarantees result validity.
  • Gain stabilized, computer controlled electronics.
  • Segmented construction eases assembly in tight locations.


WBC-200 Sodium Iodide Based Chairs for Routine Evaluation

The whole-body chair is an alternative to the stand-up counter due to its small size, comfortable arrangement, and reproducible geometry. A variety of chairs using NaI detectors are in use throughout the nuclear industry. This ORTEC Model WBC-200 uses a single, large 5″ x 4″ crystal in a collimated shield to provide excellent analysis results. For more specific area coverage, the ORTEC Model WBC-200-2 uses two 5” x 4” NaI detectors. Results may be recorded for the chest region and for the abdominal region in a single count.

The swivel chair makes entry and exit of this system easy for the person being counted. The simple design offers many advantages over complex positioning mechanisms.

WBC-T Thyroid Screening Systems

Simple counter-top system with 2”x2” NaI Detector for the analysis of iodines in the throat.

  • Adjustable counter-top shield
  • Simple set up
  • Available standalone or as an option on many chairs

HPGe-Based Systems

WBC-200-DS8530 High Purity Germanium (HPGe) Based Chair

A high resolution Whole-Body Counting Chair with dual HPGe detectors and LN2 Free cooling.

  • Fast and accurate analysis with HyperPure Germanium Detectors
  • High resolution HPGe solves spectral interferences which degrade NaI
  • LN2 Free Solution to Whole-Body Counting
  • Large Area HPGe PROFILE Series Detector
  • Available with optional NaI Thyroid Detector

WBC-LB High Purity Germanium (HPGe) Based Lung Burden System

  • Large area HPGe detectors for greater lung coverage
  • Excellent low energy resolution even with LN2 Free cooling
  • Comfortable chair for prolonged lung counts
  • Component system fits most existing low background rooms

WBC-BSCAN Whole Body Scanning Bed

A high resolution Scanning Whole-Body Counter for routine investigation.

For longer investigative counts, a scanning bed is available. The WBC-BSCAN uses LN2 free cooling and an ORTEC Model GEM-F8250 PROFILE Series detector to provide high resolution spectra for WBC analysis. An easily setup motor control module provides guidance to the scanning platform.