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Sentinel: Digital Failed-Fuel Spectrometer

An easy-to-use, reliable system is required, with high sensitivity, wide dynamic counting range, high throughput capability, excellent stability under conditions of varying temperature, and proper quality assurance. The answer to all that is the world’s first Digital Failed-Fuel Spectrometer, Sentinel. Sentinel from ORTEC is more stable and more easily optimized to any count rate environment than anything on the market. The Sentinel is a completely integrated system that tracks and plots user-designated radionuclides and alerts indications of incipient fuel element failure.

  • Monitors concentrations of fission and activation products in the primary coolant to detect impending fuel element failure
  • Provides unmatched STABILITY and reliability even under conditions of varying count rate and temperature
  • Provides graphic display of concentration levels
  • Monitors user-defined alarm levels
  • Performs QA checks automatically on its own performance
  • Includes powerful, flexible networking options


Clamp-On Water Monitoring System

The ORTEC Clamp-On Water Monitoring System (Model OS5500) is ideal for monitoring gamma activity of water (or any other) effluent flowing continuously through a pipe. Potential users include nuclear power plants, waste reprocessing facilities, and DOE facilities.

The OS5500 system includes the lead shielding, detector, electronics, and data acquisition system. Standard NIM-based electronics, computer data acquisition, and full PC-controlled versions are available.

To maximize counting efficiency, a 3 in. x 3 in. NaI(Tl) detector is located directly below the pipe. The detector is surrounded by shielding to minimize background. A unique feature is installation of the OS5500 after the pipe is in place! There is no need for an overflow tank with expensive tap-off points for sample removal and return. As no pump is required to draw a sample, cost and maintenance are minimized.